Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Munchies!

UPDATE since last month:

Since starting my new diet/workout regiment, I have lost 8 pounds. Even though it's only a few pounds, I already feel healthier and happier. I have a lot more energy and I am actually able to fall asleep at night, as well as waking up well rested.

I haven't been working out as much as I would like to due to schoolwork and getting back in the swing of things, but I have made a more concerted effort to take those few extra steps, take the stairs and walk to more places instead of drive.

I have tried to be more conscientious of the foods that I'm putting in my body and reduce the amount of preservatives and processed food in my diet.

I'm excited to be starting a new posting series called Monday Munchies, where the second and fourth Monday of each month I will be sharing health conscious recipes or healthy alternatives to otherwise heavier dishes.

This one has been one of my favorites on a consistent basis:

For lunch I made a sandwich on wheat bread from Weight Watchers. I used low sodium and 97% fat free turkey lunch meat, with one slice of low fat cheese and replaced mayo with avocado, add lettuce and tomato and you've already got a great portion of your produce requirements covered for the day.

As a side I had a salad with blueberries. I also usually include strawberries, with low fat yogurt dressing. Not only is it healthy, but it's actually SUPER tasty.

Sticking to a diet of mostly produce, at least at lunch time, will help you keep