Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sorry It's Overdue

I owe you all a fantastic blog post about my first few days in Germany. They've been amazing so far, but I have done a lot of sleeping trying to get adjusted to the time zone change. The first day we relaxed at home, and some of my friend Kim's family came to say hello. It is always great to see them :) I took a quick trip to the super market earlier in the week too, which is always interesting. The brand/food choices are always VERY different. Most foods come from Ja! and there aren't too many other brands that sell similar products. The produce is also grown much closer to where it's sold, which in addition to being great for the environment, is also good for the freshness of the food. One minor/cool difference is the asparagus here is white! Seriously didn't know that until a couple days ago.

Also during my short time here, I already went to Stuttgart and Bad Kissingen. In Stuttgart I went to the Mercedes Benz factory which was really cool. The outside is sort of misleading to what is on the inside.
I also thought it was interesting that you could buy and lease your car directly through the company and not have to go through a dealership, although they do have them here. The dealerships are not nearly close to the size of some of the larger ones in the US, but luckily for everyone here it means they come without the tacky commercials.

The factory had great food that you could enjoy for free and for visiting the factory (nice touch I think).

Maybe you can buy yourself a similar model to the car I got while I was there :) By got, I mean I only got to sit in it :( I wish that pretty baby was coming back with me to the United States. On our way back from the factory we stopped in Bad Kissinger. It's a small town, but absolutely gorgeous as you can tell from the pictures below. 

During my time in Bad Kissinger we stopped at an eiscaffe with probably the hugest ice cream sundaes I've ever seen (UGH not good for losing weight!)

Also on Wednesday, Tom had his soccer match against Korbach which would eventually lead to his team's championship season. I attached some of the photos from his game. 

I also started my first day of work on Friday which was fun. Everyone has been really friendly and welcoming especially in such a tense industry.  

Anyways it's sleepy time for me here! Sweet dreams everyone!

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