Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Job/Interview Tips

Yes, it's that season. High schoolers and college students alike are searching for jobs. it can be really competitive, especially if you've waited until this late in the game. So I thought I'd throw out a few places to look for jobs/internships if you haven't considered them before:

1. Your local congress person - Let's face it, as much as we hate seeing the mudslinging ads on TV, it is an election year, which means that they need people who are going to work for them. If you're charismatic and outgoing, or even interested in politics, this is a GREAT place to look. Not to mention that it would look great on a resume.

2. Restaurants with patios and outdoor seating - Their normal staff won't be able to man all the extra seating, so why couldn't you benefit from the extra customers! This could also include ice cream shops. Another bonus is tips. This can greatly improve the minimum wages you could be receiving somewhere else.

3. House/Pet/Baby sitting - Summer means that people are going away and are going to need someone to maintain things they normally would do for themselves. Especially if the person is going to their destination via airplane, most likely the pets are not going to be with them -- perfect opportunity for you to swoop in and pick up the cash they would normally give to a stranger.

4. Landscaping - Sunshine means plants and grass are growing. Elderly people often cannot do a lot of back breaking work. Not only are you making some money, but you're also helping someone who couldn't do the task on their own.

Now if you're into the job interview stage there's a few things that you should definitely do and a few things to avoid.

1. Be yourself - employers can sense when you're trying be someone else. It is extremely obvious. Besides you will make yourself more nervous if you are trying to act. Just take a deep breath go in and smile.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice - If you want to be able to have a good interview have someone practice with you common interview questions. These can be extremely helpful with things like: Why do you think you will be good for this position? What kind of worker are you? What special qualifications do you have?

3. Never, ever, EVER lie - Never lie or overexaggerate about your experience. It will always come back to bite you. Before they have the chance to cross check it with someone else, you may get caught up in your own lies.

4. Avoid saying UM - This is my biggest pet peeve! It is very distracting if you say  it so many times. It becomes a game to count how many or guess when you will say the word again.

Simple tips but extremely useful. I will continue to add more. Comment below for more ideas/tips

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