Friday, May 4, 2012


It's hard to believe that my first year of college is almost over! It seems like it was just last week that it was move in day. I've made so many great friends. I can easily say that the community here at Marquette is definitely the best part about attending here. 
The campus is absolutely gorgeous. It will be beautiful once fall hits again. I'm only moving a couple blocks from where I live now, so it will also be exciting to get a change of pace. 

As stressed as I am about my exam schedule, I'm heartbroken to leave next Saturday (although I'm not going to lie, having a home cooked meal is going to be an awesome PLUS). 

When I'm not trying to cram as much information into my head as possible, I love to cook. One of my favorite things to do is cook. One of my favorite things to make is chicken with tarragon cream sauce. While the cream can be a little on the fatty side, white meat can compensate for the gain in a few extra calories. Tarragon sauce is truly a unique taste. While I haven't made it in a while, I did find a great recipe on What is best about the website is that a lot of the content is provided by other users, eliminating the awkward recipes often found in cookbooks. When I get home I will definitely have to post pictures and recipe info of my chicken milanese recipe. 

More interesting recipes and exciting events to come!

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